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Providing Everything Your Animal Needs



Manual therapy includes massage to reduce tension and relax muscles, as well as targeting trigger points. It increases circulation and reduces pain.

Stretches can be used as part of a session, increasing tissue extensibility and increasing soft tissue length, helping with range of motion and therefore stride length.


There are a range of electrotherapies that a physiotherapist can utilise, helping manage pain, reduce inflammation and improve healing.

H-Wave works by creating muscle contraction, increasing blood flow to the area helping to decrease muscles tension as well as helping with muscle fasciculation, making the muscle more supple and loose. It is often used on the lumbar region of the horse's back. LASER can also be used to reduce pain, inflammation and trigger points.



Remedial exercise programmes incorporate a range of tailored exercises to aid your horse's treatment goals.

It can consist of pole work, hill work, lunging using different aids, baited stretches and other things that as an owner you can implement into your horses routine.

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